National Assessment Results
We did our first ever National Exams. Grade 6 class did their National Primary School Education assessment last year November. We are proud to announce that they did very well. We were above national average mean scores in all subjects except art. We were Among the best performing schools in the region.

✔️ 20 new sponsors are still needed for 35 girls’ primary education for 2023
✔️ Build and complete the sports facility
Ping pong table, bats, and balls
Darts Board and darts
Chess set
Long Jump
High Jump
Tennis Wall
Tennis Court and tennis rackets
Football Pitch
Netball Court
Running Track
Cricket pitch and equipment
✔️ Find sponsors to fund and equip the art and music rooms
✔️ Raise funds for solar power for the veggie tunnel water pumps
✔️ Maintaining and managing six bee hives.
- One Langstroth bee-hive costs GB£50
- Bee-keeper salary GB£130 per month
- Complete bee harvesting suit and harvesting equipment cost GB£50
✔️ Raise funds to build a perimeter wall around the school
✔️ Books for the library
✔️ Projectors and a computer for each classroom (4 classrooms remaining)
✔️ Maintaining and managing two greenhouses
- Veggie gardener GB£140 per month
- Fertilizers for the drip-feed irrigation system GB£140 per month